Where can I get a Minterest NFT if I don't have one?
Third party NFT marketplaces, such as OpenSea, list Minterest NFTs currently owned by other users.
How to get Minterest NFT?
Make sure these are Next Level Minterest NFTs and not a copycat, here is our Minterest collection page. At the moment, OpenSea has listings of Minterest NFTs from other holders. Other popular marketplace platforms may also have them later on.
What happens if I borrow a position and offer my NFT during the Private Launch?
If you have an open position (supply or borrow) on Minterest during the Private Launch and lose access to your NFT, by sending it to another wallet or offering it, you will lose access to Minterest. This means you will be unable to close out borrow positions or withdraw supplied assets. In order to gain access again, you will need to deposit any valid Minterest NFT back into your wallet.
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